The close connection between animals and Brandon has always fascinated me especially since he does not look at them or even seems to acknowledge them. It reminds me of the first book in, 'Harry Potter' when Harry was at the zoo and the boa constrictor connected with him. The first connection between Brandon and animals occurred at the Ballarat Wildlife Zoo. We are very fortunate at animal sanctuaries when Brandon is with us. On the one hand, we feel like dying of embarrassment because of the stares and underhanded comments made by the humans but on the positive side animals are just drawn to Brandon and we are always assured close viewing of these fascinating animals. One day two emus approached Brandon and all three went for a walk together. Brandon was in-between the two emus, mimicking (unintentionally) the walking stance of the emus and all three with heads straight ahead walked for some time and then parted ways. It was a treasure to behold!
We then went into the reptile enclosure and other visitors were complaining because they couldn't see the reptiles. Well that was definitely not our experience; all we needed to do was to wait for Brandon to stand with his back against the glass and the reptiles all scurried up to him. We had the best view that's for sure. Brandon does not look at these animals; touch them; smile at them; talk to them (well he is incapable of speech) or even look at them nor is he gentle necessarily; however, he is like an animal whisperer and they are instinctively drawn to him. Why? One of the many mysteries of autism I think.
EFT- emotional freedom techniques aka tapping. Brandon has an aversion to touch. Even when I hug and kiss him, it can sometimes be received with him attacking me. But he now grabs my hands and indicates that he wants me to tap on him. Now once again, sceptics will argue that tapping on median points alongside positive affirmations is rubbish and perhaps it is, but all I know it has created a bond between my son and myself which we never had before so for that reason I am happy to use it. Brandon smiles and loves the sayings I recite whilst tapping on him so that is success in my book. Unconventional, indeed but there is no harm in it and since autism is non conventional why not follow unconventional means?
Tibetan singing bowls- When Brandon is pacing frantically and participating in very loud and annoying vocalisations through trial and error and research, I have found by playing Tibetan singing bowl music immediately calms him.
And who stands by Brandon in all his anxiety, loudness and frantic pacing and screaming- Indie!
Brandon and Indie's Journey with Autism.
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Monday, 28 April 2014
Indie, the nurse!
Brandon has a carer, Anna who comes every morning to shower and dress him and drive him to school, since he has been expelled from travelling on the bus to school. The other day, Anna was quite concerned exclaiming, 'The dog won't let me get Brandon out of bed'. Now, Anna is German I think with a broad accent and some peculiarities, but Brandon loves her and she happens to really like Brandon so the morning relationship seems suitable for them both and given it is very difficult to find carers who are prepared to work with Brandon long term, we think this working relationship is fine.
Anyway back to the point in question, I thought what is she talking about, really, the dog won't allow her to get Brandon out of bed. Usually, Indie's worst crime is jumping all over visitors.
Anyway on entering Brandon's bedroom it became quite apparent that something was not quite right. Indie was nudging my hand to get me to get closer to Brandon and sure enough, he did have a fever and seemed ill and needed to stay in bed.
Once I explained this to Anna, she also has had a new found respect for Indie. She kept exclaiming, even now, 'How did the dog know Brandon was sick?' I said I don't know, she somehow has an instinctive connection with him. Thank goodness I say! Once again, it helps me look after Brandon. The rest of the day, Indie was lying on the floor near Brandon and she doesn't automatically do this but somehow she wanted to be on hand in case his situation worsened.
We have a history of serious illnesses with Brandon and since he has such a high pain threshold often we are not even aware that he is sick. I remember when one of my other children was sick and I took him to the doctor's and Brandon needed to come also. I asked the doctor to check Brandon also, because given his low immunity he tended to pick up all bugs easily. At this stage Brandon seemed as good as gold. The doctor pointed to my number 1 son and said, 'He is ok, just some rest and he will be fine in a couple of days.' but this boy, pointing at Brandon is really very sick. And this has been the situation since birth with Brandon, so now having Indie assisting us with diagnosing when Brandon is ill or not is miraculous indeed.
Epilepsy is a neurological condition with a wide array of possible causes. Involuntary seizures are the most well known characteristic of epilepsy, which is often caused by brain malformations or tumors, head trauma and a variety of other diseases that cause lesions on the brain, according to Nancy Meers, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with the Children's Epilepsy Center at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. For most epileptics, the truly terrifying thing about seizures is how unpredictable and dangerous they can be.
Many people believe seizure alert dogs (dogs that sense and warn their masters of upcoming seizures) or seizure response dogs (dogs that provide assistance to their masters during and after a seizure) can provide epilepsy patients with a greater sense of control over their disorder because they seem to be able to help them avoid catastrophe in public places, such as driving a car. While many medical professionals do not doubt that there are dogs with the ability to predict seizures, they are wary of relying on them 100 percent. After all, dogs are not infallible, much like their human masters.
Owners of seizure alert dogs report that their canine companions typically begin warning them of impending seizures anywhere from 30 seconds to 45 minutes prior to an episode. Each dog has its own style of alerting, including pawing, barking, circling and making close eye contact. Usually, the canine cues spur the patient to lie down in a safe place until the seizure has taken its course. Seizure response dogs have even been known to lie down next to or on top of the person having a seizure, providing their owners comfort and preventing unintentional injury.
Anyway back to the point in question, I thought what is she talking about, really, the dog won't allow her to get Brandon out of bed. Usually, Indie's worst crime is jumping all over visitors.
Anyway on entering Brandon's bedroom it became quite apparent that something was not quite right. Indie was nudging my hand to get me to get closer to Brandon and sure enough, he did have a fever and seemed ill and needed to stay in bed.
Once I explained this to Anna, she also has had a new found respect for Indie. She kept exclaiming, even now, 'How did the dog know Brandon was sick?' I said I don't know, she somehow has an instinctive connection with him. Thank goodness I say! Once again, it helps me look after Brandon. The rest of the day, Indie was lying on the floor near Brandon and she doesn't automatically do this but somehow she wanted to be on hand in case his situation worsened.
We have a history of serious illnesses with Brandon and since he has such a high pain threshold often we are not even aware that he is sick. I remember when one of my other children was sick and I took him to the doctor's and Brandon needed to come also. I asked the doctor to check Brandon also, because given his low immunity he tended to pick up all bugs easily. At this stage Brandon seemed as good as gold. The doctor pointed to my number 1 son and said, 'He is ok, just some rest and he will be fine in a couple of days.' but this boy, pointing at Brandon is really very sick. And this has been the situation since birth with Brandon, so now having Indie assisting us with diagnosing when Brandon is ill or not is miraculous indeed.
Can a dog really predict an epileptic seizure?
by Alia Hoyt
Many fictional dogs, such as Lassie, Benji and Rin Tin Tin, have made their marks on the small and silver screens, sometimes inspired by heroic actions of dogs in real life. Most of the time, these canines completed physical acts of bravery. Service dogs like seeing-eye dogs, recovery dogs and other rescue animals are trained. But is it possible that some dogs are so intelligent and sensitive that they can predict health crises like epileptic seizures and warn their owners?Epilepsy is a neurological condition with a wide array of possible causes. Involuntary seizures are the most well known characteristic of epilepsy, which is often caused by brain malformations or tumors, head trauma and a variety of other diseases that cause lesions on the brain, according to Nancy Meers, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with the Children's Epilepsy Center at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. For most epileptics, the truly terrifying thing about seizures is how unpredictable and dangerous they can be.
Many people believe seizure alert dogs (dogs that sense and warn their masters of upcoming seizures) or seizure response dogs (dogs that provide assistance to their masters during and after a seizure) can provide epilepsy patients with a greater sense of control over their disorder because they seem to be able to help them avoid catastrophe in public places, such as driving a car. While many medical professionals do not doubt that there are dogs with the ability to predict seizures, they are wary of relying on them 100 percent. After all, dogs are not infallible, much like their human masters.
Owners of seizure alert dogs report that their canine companions typically begin warning them of impending seizures anywhere from 30 seconds to 45 minutes prior to an episode. Each dog has its own style of alerting, including pawing, barking, circling and making close eye contact. Usually, the canine cues spur the patient to lie down in a safe place until the seizure has taken its course. Seizure response dogs have even been known to lie down next to or on top of the person having a seizure, providing their owners comfort and preventing unintentional injury.
It's impossible to know how many seizure dogs there are in the world, especially because they do not seem to be age-, gender- or breed-specific [source:]. In fact, many owners report that pooches they have had for years seem to develop the capability sometime after their owners have been diagnosed.
On the next page, we'll look at some theories of why dogs are capable of detecting seizures and why some experts take the dogs' predictions with a grain of salt.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Autism does not define my child, but it's part of who he is. When society understands this, then my life will be easier." - Frances Vega-Costas

I decided to include this story about another autism assistance dog because it highlights the importance of these dogs for children with autism and their families.
Before Indie, I used to dread taking Brandon out in public. I hated the stares, awkward silences, and the whispers and giggles about Brandon's strange noises and behaviour.
It has taken Indie, to show me that I should walk proud next to Brandon. Indie walks tall and well with Brandon, looking up as if to say, 'Heh, everyone, none of you are as lucky as me because I have a best friend and his name is Brandon'.
Indie normalises all of Brandon's actions and alongside Indie I feel empowered to be able to deal with everything Brandon has to offer.
It is indeed still a real learning curve, remembering to leave some of the care to Indie. I still believe I have all of the answers and it is only on reflection that sometimes it is in everyone's interests to let Indie help.
We went to the local market and we were all having a good time. Unfortunately, things were getting too comfortable and I went to buy tea leaves from one stall and Terry went to buy meat from another stall at the same time. Brandon began kicking stones up, so high into people's faces and stalls and Terry immediately grabbed Brandon who began screaming and walked him out of the market. I was holding Indie who was getting out of control pulling the lead however instead of following her lead, I continued purchasing my tea leaves knowing Terry had Brandon in hand. And here's the rub! I should have taken Indie to Brandon to help calm him down as well as navigate Brandon away from the stones so that he wasn't in the position to kick them. Indie is able to enter Brandon's world and allow him to connect with the world so well but unless we allow her to do so, we are not experiencing the full benefit of her capabilities. The next time a similar instance occured, we allowed Indie to intervene and this helped enormously. Still such a learning curve but SO WORTHWHILE!
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Christmas 2012
For once Brandon is part of a family photo with his siblings, cousins and nanna. We were all excited!!!! |
interpretations of what I observed and noticed about Indie's impact on Brandon's level of calmness and enjoyment on Christmas Day. However, whether my conclusions are 100% accurate or not is ultimately not the issue, but what is important is that for once the Lauder family Christmas was peaceful and nothing was thrown and broken or no one was bitten or hurt. Now I will explain:
Indie receiving her Christmas present. |
Indie has created meaning for Brandon at Christmas. Present distribution in our family involves the presents being distributed from the youngest to the oldest and Indie being the youngest was first. I called Indie to come and get her present and she excitedly ran up to me all excited and sat in front of me. I handed her, her present and she proceeded to enthusiastically unwrap the present herself, running off and playing with her new acquisition.
Brandon trying to unwrap the present with some assistance from me. |
The beautiful sight of Brandon and Indie playing with Brandon's ball together was so exciting. There is the worry of Indie destroying the ball versus Brandon actually playing by turn taking with Indie. For some reason we have not been able to connect with Brandon as well as Indie has and this is a true blessing.
My Christmas Blessing |
I am I because my little dog knows me.
- Gertrude Stein
Monday, 3 December 2012
Miranda- The miracle chicken
Miranda, the
miracle chicken became important to me when I observed how the potential loss
of a chicken could affect my friend. Miranda
was rescued from a battery farm and her owner, emphasised she is just a normal
chicken, nothing very special but she is her chicken and she loves her.
This comment
to me encapsulates the meaning of life. We have lived a worthwhile life if our
loss, is felt by someone. Our memory and mark on this world continues in the
hearts of those we leave behind.
But Miranda
is a chicken, just a chicken what can we learn from her? She is resilient
because after withstanding her confined existence in a battery farm, she
relished and thrived in her new free environment. She arrived featherless,
mangy and ugly; however, she was chosen and still loved and cared for by my
friend and even identified with a name, Miranda. No longer the battery hen, but
Miranda, the beloved chicken.
I remember
my horrible auntie making a comment about old people and people with
disabilities. She callously commented in my presence, that we are kinder to
animals because we euthanize them if they become burdensome; however, we allow
the frail and disabled to suck our country’s financial coffers dry. How closed
This special
story of Miranda continues. Recently, she looked like she was too sick to live;
however, with positive energy and special care, Miranda not only survived but
now lays eggs. If we look closely at the world around us, we have the potential
to see such miracles. And these miracles allow those who see, to become stronger
and more positive; having energy strong enough to combat the ‘horrible
And now the
link to my darling son and his companion, Indie! Indie has given my son a
special meaning and presence on this earth. She has chosen him and the miracle
is, she allows me to see my son through her eyes. And this friends is indeed a
miracle! You can see meaning and beauty in the world if you choose to look and
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Katie Hunter (DKD- Dogs for kids with disabilities)- nominee for the Pride of Australia 2012
Last Tuesday night I was at the gym riding energetically on
the stationery bike when I looked up at the television to see “The Project’
segment on the Pride of Australia 2012 nominee; the story of Katie Hunter’s
organisation DKD (Dogs for Kids with Disabilities) and the work she has achieved
with two families Jenny and two year old Jackson and Julie- Ann, Joshua and
their beloved dog Buddy.
Joshua has high functioning autism and refused to sleep by
himself until his pal Buddy became his sleeping companion. Jackson is harnessed to Rollie when they go
out into the community. This prevents
Jackson from absconding and allows independence for the family to access the
community safely. One of the high points of having Buddy in their lives according
to Julie- Ann is that Joshua finally has a friend which is a huge problem for
children like Joshua.
My gym associates must have thought my workout was frustrating
me, as tears were streaming down my eyes whilst watching this segment. And why
you make ask?
The difference that our dog Indie has made to our family could
only have been dreamed about. Indie is a gorgeous dog in her own right and as a
cute pet would be successful but the bond she and Brandon have, can only be
instinctual and could never be taught. Katie’s instinct on being able to pair
up suitable dogs to children is the essential key here. If we were to do no dog training at all, we
would still have a dog who chooses to: sleep with Brandon; barks when Brandon
is about to have a seizure; taps on our door or barks at our door when Brandon
is up unattended; nudge us or barks when Brandon has soiled himself; run to the
gate when Brandon’s bus is due to arrive; stay by Brandon’s side when he is
walking, sick, angry, stressed or happy.
Indie loves Brandon unconditionally for the boy he is and
she expects nothing in return from him.
If only I could be so good???
The link to view, ‘The Project’ segment is below:
Monday, 30 July 2012
Matthew 18:21- How many times should I forgive my brother ?
Why is it that Indie is capable of giving Brandon umpteen opportunities; however, a special school catering specifically for the needs of special needs children can't? I phoned the school at the start of this term querying why we hadn't got confirmation for Brandon's position in the school's after school active care program. I was told that it was an oversight and that there was a place on Thursday night for ball skills. Well, Brandon loves bouncing balls and he has very good ball skills actually. I remember when he attended a holiday program and attended the basketball stadium. The basketballers were amazed to see how well Brandon could dribble a ball. Unfortunately, his severe I/d prevented him from understanding the rules and limited his abilities to play in a team but you need to give credit I think where credit is due and he can bounce that ball even using his peripheral vision. Anyway, because two years ago Brandon was expelled from the Active After School program for his aggression and bad behaviour, they are preventing him from accessing this program once again because supposedly he requires one on one supervision and the program does not provide that. So, my application was conveniently overlooked I discovered. This really saddens me because although I do acknowledge that Brandon's behaviour is often abhorrent, he must now live with that label it appears for his entire school life. And where else could Brandon potentially develop his ball handling skills?? His own school aren't prepared to give him a chance?? Imagine if Brandon actually knew and understood what was going on! I am sometimes glad he doesn't because it is less hurtful that way. Well, I feel better for my son knowing that Indie chose him!
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